BQ 814 – 37/2024
Christine Schirrmacher appointed to the CASSIS Council

(Bonn, 05.11.2024) Prof. Dr. Christine Schirrmacher, a scholar of Islamic Studies, was appointed by the CASSIS board as a voting member at the seventh meeting of the council of the “Center for Advanced Security, Strategic and Integration Studies (CASSIS)” at the Rhei­nische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn.

Christine Schirrmacher has been dealing with the topics of Islamism and jihadism in the Middle East and its impact on Europe in the field of security policy for many years. She has been a guest lecturer at security policy authorities for two decades and regu­larly lectures at minis­tries and security policy training institutions on current de­velopments in the Middle East and Europe, on Islamist and jihadist groups, on the radicalisation of young people and on issues related to Sharia law.

In 2023 she was appointed by the Federal President for the Protection of the Constitution, Thomas Haldenwang, to the Scientific Advisory Board of the Centre for Analysis and Research (ZAF) of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV), Berlin. The aim of her appointment to the CASISS centre council is to achieve closer networking and cooperation in the field of security and strategy research and to develop research projects, especially on Islamist threats in Germany and Europe.

The Center for Advanced Security, Strategic and Integration Studies (CASSIS) is an interdisciplinary research centre at the University of Bonn specialising in strategic foreign, European and security research. CASSIS aims to develop, evaluate and publicly discuss European strategies for current challenges in the field of foreign and security policy. Dr. Enrico Fels is the managing director. CASSIS has been the successor to the Center for International Security and Governance (CISG), which was established in 2014, since 2019 and has taken over the Henry Kissinger Professorship from it, which is currently held by Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schlie. The new centre aims to strengthen the transdisciplinary analysis of strategic and security policy challenges facing the international commu­nity and to expand the university’s research pro­file in the UN and federal city of Bonn. In addition to research and teaching in this subject area, CASSIS works closely with institu­tions in the fields of de­velopment policy and sus­tainability. The core tasks of CASSIS include the transdisciplinary networ­king of scientists in the broad field of security policy as well as the regular organisation of public events. To this end, CASSIS always welcomes renowned personalities and cooperation partners from science and practice. In its work, CASSIS often collaborates with international universities, such as Leiden University (Netherlands) and Reichman University (Israel), as well as with a wide range of associations and well-known foundations, such as the Hanns Seidel Foundation, the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.

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