BQ 834 – 14/2025
ISHR leader praises Cape Verde as model of Democracy and Human Rights

(Bonn, 12.02.2025) The president of the International Society for Human Rights (ISHR) expressed “pride” on January 14, in noting that Cape Verde has a “strong parlia­mentary democracy”, highlighting that “the power of the people is in parliament.”

“We as the International Society for Human Rights are monitoring Cape Verde and we started this a year ago. We are very happy and proud to see that this is a strong parliamentary democracy,” he said.

Archbishop Thomas Schirrmacher made these statements in Praia after meeting with the president of the National Assembly, Austelino Correia.

During the meeting, the ISHR leader stated that parliament “has the real power” in the country, being respected by the other powers.

Schirrmacher also high­lighted Cape Verde’s com­mitment to human rights and cooperation with the National Human Rights Commission, which, as he highlighted, has worked “effectively” on social issues.

Correia and Schirrmacher exchanging ideas with a view to future cooperation © BQ/Martin Warnecke

The president of ISHR also took the opportunity to highlight the importance of greater cooperation between Cape Verdean institutions and international organizations.

This official acknowledged the challenges the country faces, such as poverty and the need for investment in areas such as social inclusion and accessibility and also praised the efforts of the Government and local authorities to overcome them.

On the other hand, he expressed interest in seeing the relationship between the archi­pelago and the German parliament deepened, having reiterated the commitment of the International Society for Human Rights to support the Cape Verdean nation in its achievements and ongoing challenges in favor of justice and human dignity.

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  • Photo 1: The Co­lors of the Repub­lic of Cabo Verde flying over the Bay of Praia. © BQ/Martin Warnecke
  • Photo 2: The National Assembly in the capital Praia © BQ/Martin Warnecke
  • Photo 3: Thomas Schirrmacher walking along the Formation of Honor in front of the National Assembly on January 13, 2025 © BQ/Martin Warnecke
  • Photo 4: Solemn Commemorative Session of the National Assembly to mark the Day of Freedom and Democracy on the 13th of January – the date on which, in 1991, Cape Verdeans exercised their right to vote in the first multi-party elections, after 15 years under one-party rule. The event was attended by National Deputies, Members of the Government and Representatives of the Corps Diplomatique, International Organizations, Civil Society Organizations and Religious Confessions © BQ/Martin Warnecke
  • Photo 5: First Lady of Cabo Verde Débora Katísa Carvalho welcoming Thomas Schirrmacher at the Event © BQ/Martin Warnecke
  • Photo 6: Austelino Tavares Correia, President of the National Assembly of Cabo Verde, meeting Thomas Schirrmacher, Matthias Boehning and Esther Schirrmacher for Strategic Talks on January 14, 2025 © BQ/Martin Warnecke
  • Photo 7: Schirrmacher and Boehning meeting Jorge Carlos Fonseca, who served as the President of Cabo Verde from 2011 to 2021, and his wife, former First Lady Lígia Fonseca, for a cordial exchange during the festivities in the National Assembly © BQ/Martin Warnecke
  • Photo 8: Correia and Schirrmacher exchanging ideas with a view to future cooperation © BQ/Martin Warnecke
  • Photo 9 and photo 10: Screenshots of reports from the meeting with Austelino Correia