BQ 818 – 41/2024
As Honorary Bishop, Schirrmacher opens the 16th General Assembly of the Apostolic Pentecostal Church International in Monrovia

(Bonn, 20.12.2024) Thomas Paul Schirrmacher, who has been Honorary Bishop of the Apostolic Pentecostal Church International since 2018, had the honor of opening the 16th General Assembly of the Apostolic Pentecostal Church International in Monrovia, Liberia, together with the church’s highest represen­tative, Bishop Kortu K. Brown. In addition to the opening ser­mon, he gave other ser­mons and training ses­sions. He was accom­pa­nied by Matthias Boeh­ning, whom the church ordained as pastor, and by Dr. Esther Schirrmacher as travel coordinator. Schirr­macher, Bishop Kor­tu K. Brown and Matthias Boehning also gave se­ve­ral interviews to the coun­try’s major daily newspa­pers and television sta­tions on the situation of the refugee camp in Ghana and visited the Acting Minister of the Interior of Liberia together.

Bishop Koru K. Brown and Thomas Schirrmacher © BQ/Schirrmacher

It was a special honor for Thomas Schirrmacher to present and read out the letter of appointment from the President of Liberia for Mariama Brown, the wife of Bishop Kortu K. Brown, as a board member of the newly established Agency for Community Emp-powerment of the State of Liberia. He did this during a sermon on the Book of Esther. Mariama Brown was an Esther of our time, which is why he now gave her the name Esther in addition to the most important woman’s name in the New Testament, Mary, Schirrmacher said to thunderous applause from the participants. Schirrmacher had previously visited the country’s acting Minister of the Interior.

Schirrmacher also spent several hours in an “Edu­cation Dialogue” with around 100 students from Christian schools of the Apostolic Pentecostal Church International. The last hour was reserved for global questions from the students of the graduating classes.

Schirrmacher with students of the graduating classes © BQ/Schirrmacher

The 16th General Assem­bly of the Apostolic Pente­costal Church International also presented its honorary bishop with an “Outstan­ding Leadership Award”. He had shown Christians around the world how the community of Jesus can work together with their respective societies even in adverse situations and how Christians of all stripes can contribute to global peace and justice.

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  • Photo 1: Thomas Schirrmacher with children from the Apostolic Pentecostal Church International School © BQ/Schirrmacher
  • Photo 2: Bishop Koru K. Brown and Thomas Schirrmacher © BQ/Schirrmacher
  • Photo 3: The children of the Apostolic Pentecostal Church International School welcome Schirrmacher © BQ/Schirrmacher
  • Photo 4: Schirrmacher with students of the graduating classes © BQ/Schirrmacher
  • Photo 5 and photo 6: Invitation to the events with Bishop Schirrmacher © BQ/Schirrmacher
  • Photo 7: The “Outstanding Leadership Award” for Thomas Schirrmacher © BQ/Schirrmacher